Building Agents

We've implemented support for plugins in our AI wallet. Plugins enable connecting tools and AI agents specifically designed for language models.

Ref Finance Tool Example

The Ref Finance Tool is a powerful example of a plugin designed to work seamlessly with our AI wallet. This tool allows users to directly interact with Decentralized Finance (DeFi) services from within the wallet interface.


Fork / deploy our Ref DeFi Swap Agent

With the Ref Finance Tool, users can perform swaps all without leaving the AI wallet environment.

How to add your plugin to Bitte Registry?

1. Prepare Your OpenAPI Specification

Ensure your AI plugin follows the OpenAPI Specification. See the Ref Finance Agent example here.

Here's an example of a well-structured OpenAPI Specification.

⚠️ Make sure to include the Bitte Extension.

"x-mb": {
  "account-id": "bitte.near",
  "assistant": {
    "name": "assistant-name",
    "description": "Shorter summary about the assistant and it's capabilities",
    "instructions": "Detailed, specific instructions to be passed to AI Assistant on it's funcitonality and tool usage.",
    "tools": [{ type: "generate-transaction" }, { type: "submit-query" }]

2. Deploy Your Service

Deploy your service with a cloud provider such as Vercel, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), or any other provider you are comfortable with. Ensure your service is publicly accessible.

Instead of deploying your service to a cloud provider, you can use ngrok or localtunnel to expose your local development server to the internet. This is particularly useful for testing and development purposes. Using make-agent

  1. Install make-agent: install our cli tool to test you agent live on the Bitte Playground.

  2. Set up Dynamic Plugin Manifest: server you plugin-manifest with a dynamic server URL using the url from (you can use next rewrites on nextjs)

  3. Add dev script:

        "dev:make-agent": "next dev & pnpm make-agent dev -p 3000",
  4. Run dev script: run pnpm dev:make-agent to live test your agent on the Bitte Plyground.

Using ngrok

  1. Install ngrok: If you haven't installed ngrok yet, you can download it from ngrok's official website.

  2. Expose Your Local Server: Start your local server (e.g., on port 3000), then use ngrok to expose it.

    ngrok http 3000

    This command will generate a public URL (e.g., https://<random-id> that you can use to access your service over the internet.

  3. Update Plugin Manifest: Ensure that the plugin manifest file (ai-plugin.json) points to the ngrok URL:

      "schema_version": "v1",
      "name_for_human": "Your Plugin Name",
      "name_for_model": "plugin_name",
      "description_for_human": "A description for your plugin.",
      "description_for_model": "Detailed description for the model.",
      "auth": {
        "type": "none"
      "api": {
        "type": "openapi",
        "url": "https://<random-id>"

Using localtunnel

  1. Install localtunnel: You can install localtunnel globally using npm:

    npm install -g localtunnel
  2. Expose Your Local Server: Start your local server, then use localtunnel to expose it:

    lt --port 3000

    This command will generate a public URL (e.g., https://<subdomain> for your service.

  3. Update Plugin Manifest: Make sure the plugin manifest file (ai-plugin.json) uses the localtunnel URL:

      "schema_version": "v1",
      "name_for_human": "Your Plugin Name",
      "name_for_model": "plugin_name",
      "description_for_human": "A description for your plugin.",
      "description_for_model": "Detailed description for the model.",
      "auth": {
        "type": "none"
      "api": {
        "type": "openapi",
        "url": "https://<subdomain>"

3. Host the Plugin Manifest

Make sure the plugin manifest file is accessible at /.well-known/ai-plugin.json on your domain. The URL should be similar to:


4. Register Your Plugin

Register your plugin using the ai-plugins API Reference UI.

Make sure to save the apiKey returned for managing your plugin. To manage your plugin use the ai-plugins/PLUGIN_ID endpoint. PLUGIN_ID is your plugin's url without the protocol https:// i.e.

Pass your apiKey using the bitte-api-key header in your request. If not using the API Reference UI

 # REGISTER - register by providing your pluginUrl or pluginId
 curl -X POST \
 # UPDATE - refetches Plugin Spec, regenerates Agent & Tools
 curl -X PUT \
 -H "bitte-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \

 # DELETE - deletes Plugin, Agent, and Tools from Bitte Registry
 curl -X DELETE \
-H "bitte-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \

5. Debug and Test Your Plugin

Once registered, you will receive a debug URL that will take you to the Playground to test your agent.<agentId>

6. Verification

When agents are registered they will not be immediately available in the production registry. The verification process is manual for now.

Contact our team on Telegram to start the verification process when you're ready.

OpenAPI Bitte Extension

We have created an extension for the OpenAPI specification that allows you to include additional metadata.

"x-mb": {
  "account-id": "bitte.near",
  "assistant": {
    "name": "assistant-name",
    "description": "Shorter summary about the assistant and it's capabilities",
    "instructions": "Detailed, specific instructions to be passed to AI Assistant on it's funcitonality and tool usage.",
    "tools": [{ type: "generate-transaction" }, { type: "submit-query" }]

Account ID (account-id)

• Description: Specifies the account ID associated with the plugin. This is typically the account ID on the NEAR blockchain that identifies the owner or operator of the API.

• Example: bitte.near

Assistant Configuration (assistant)

Provides the configuration for the assistant that will guide the user in interacting with the API. This section includes details about its behavior, and the tools it can use.


Instructions provided to the assistant define its role or behavior. This helps tailor the assistant’s responses according to specific requirements.

Example: "Weather Agent"


A general summary of the assistant's functionalities and tools / endpoints.


Instructions provided to the assistant define its role or behavior. This helps tailor the assistant’s responses according to specific requirements.

Example: "You are a helpful assistant. When using the get-weather tool make sure to know or ask for the user's location."


A list of tools that the assistant can use. Each tool is defined by its type and possibly other configurations.

Tool Type The type of tool that the assistant can use. This can vary based on the functionality required by the API.

Tool TypeDescription


Creates a transaction based on the user request


Creates a GraphQL query based on Mintbase's Indexer, submits it and returns the result


Creates an image, uploads it to Arweave and returns a transaction hash


Creates an NFT drop

Last updated
