
Path to make it live for all and not just the playground

Registering Your Plugin

Prepare Your OpenAPI Specification

Ensure your AI plugin follows the OpenAPI Specification. See the Ref Finance Agent example here.

Here's an example of a well-structured OpenAPI Specification.

⚠️ Make sure to include the Bitte Extension.

File path: `

"x-mb": {
  "account-id": "bitte.near",
  "assistant": {
    "name": "assistant-name",
    "description": "Shorter summary about the assistant and it's capabilities",
    "instructions": "Detailed, specific instructions to be passed to AI Assistant on it's funcitonality and tool usage.",
    "tools": [{ type: "generate-transaction" }, { type: "submit-query" }]

Registering your Agent

Register your plugin using the ai-plugins API Reference UI.

Make sure to save the apiKey returned to manage your plugin. To manage your plugin, use the ai-plugins/PLUGIN_ID endpoint. PLUGIN_ID is your plugin's url without the protocol https:// i.e.

Pass your apiKey using the bitte-api-key header in your request. If not using the API Reference UI

 # REGISTER - register by providing your pluginUrl or pluginId
 curl -X POST \
 # UPDATE - refetches Plugin Spec, regenerates Agent & Tools
 curl -X PUT \
 -H "bitte-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \

 # DELETE - deletes Plugin, Agent, and Tools from Bitte Registry
 curl -X DELETE \
-H "bitte-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY" \

Debug and Test Your Plugin

Once registered, you will receive a debug URL that will take you to the Playground to test your agent.<agentId>


When agents are registered, they will not be immediately available in the production registry. The verification process is manual for now.

Contact our team on Telegram to start the verification process when you're ready.

Last updated
